Grenada, also known as the "Island of Spice," is an island nation located in the southeastern Caribbean Sea at the southern tip of the Grenadines. The Commonwealth is comprised of the island of Grenada as well as the smaller islands, Carriacou, Petit Martinique, Ronde Island, Caille Island, Diamond Island, Large Island, Saline Island and Frigate Island.

Because Grenada is a British Commonwealth its head of state and queen is Queen Elizabeth II. The head of government is the prime minister and Grenada is also represented by a Governor-General.

Tourism is the main economy of Grenada, focused primarily on the larger main island, centered on cities St. Georges and Point Salines. The island is also a major exporter of cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mace and nutmeg.

Its population is approximately 110,000, with 82 percent being black. The official language is English, but the main languages spoken are Grenadian Creole English and Grenadian Creole French.

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