.scb Domain Information
Applicant Full Legal Name
The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited (ʺSCBʺ)
Legal Establishment
Public Company Limited
Applicant Address
9 Rutchadapisek Rd
Bangkok 10900
State Jurisdiction
Applicant Website
Applied for gTLD
Domain Registration Status
IDN Puny Code (A-label)
English Meaning
IDN Language
IDN Script
U-label according to Unicode Form
Mission/Purpose of Domain Extension
We, SCB, aim to use .scb TLD as a .brand TLD with multiple purposes - short term ones and long term ones. In the short term, we will strengthen our "SCB" branding as well as solving the internet problem (such as phishing, confusion) while the long term mission is to utilize the .scb to heavily... Read more
At a starting point, we will use the .scb TLD to consolidate website addresses of SCB group businesses into one TLD. This will help establish a cohesive, clear, dedicated, immediately identifiable online identity, experience and channel for SCB. The .scb TLD provides potential to enhance our internet strategy as it will bring SCB's online presences together into one clear channel of communication and enable us to enhance our online security. The .scb TLD will clearly distinguish SCB and its products and services from its competitors. Furthermore, .scb TLD is aimed at promoting and protecting SCB's name from other entities in cyberspace. The .scb shall provide a distinction in terms of the legitimacy of the information of SCB and its sites, making it easier for its clients to easily locate the SCB products and services they need.
Later on, once the "SCB" branding is strengthened in the internet world which may take 3-5 years, we will be utilizing our .scb to provide the sophisticated services to the millions of our current customers.
For your information, SCB is a major commercial bank in South East Asia with Total Assets of THB 1,878 billion (USD 626 billion), Net Profit of THB 36 billion (USD 1.2 billion), and Market Capitalization of THB 396 billion (USD 13.2 million) as of 31st December 2011. Further, it has 1,094 branches, 8,459 ATMs and more than 12 million customers as of 31st December 2011. As such, it has demonstrates ability to create a big impact to the internet and all the customers.×