.ntt Domain Information
Applicant Full Legal Name
Legal Establishment
Applicant Address
3-1, Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8116
State Jurisdiction
Applicant Website
not available
Applied for gTLD
Domain Registration Status
Mission/Purpose of Domain Extension
18.1. DEFINITION For the purpose of this answer the following terms are defined as follows: Corporate Information Referenced in this Proposal: All of the information referenced and quoted in this proposal, such as corporate information (i.e. organizations, operation offices, financials and... Read more
For the purpose of this answer the following terms are defined as follows:
Corporate Information Referenced in this Proposal:
All of the information referenced and quoted in this proposal, such as corporate information (i.e. organizations, operation offices, financials and operations), business information (i.e. products and services including R&D), business management (i.e. management policies, business plans and management strategies), etc. are current as of the end of February 2012.
.ntt Registrant:
The registrant of .ntt:Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) is the sole registrant of .ntt in this proposal.
.ntt Registrar:
An ICANN accredited Registrar for .ntt:NTT will designate the registrar
Registry Operations:
Front and back-end registry operations which include registry services and necessary operations to support those services:NTT intends to outsource the registry operation to a particular third party.
NTT Subsidiaries:
Subsidiaries of NTT:There are 756 subsidiaries as of March 2011.
NTT Group:
NTT Group consists of NTT Subsidiaries and other 102 affiliated companies.
.ntt Domain Name Users:
The users of .ntt:NTT and NTT Subsidiaries are the primary .ntt users.
An acronym for ʺNext Generation Networkʺ
An acronym for ʺInformation and Communication Technologyʺ
An acronym for ʺSecond Level Domainʺ
Critical Functions:
Functions that are critical to the operation of a gTLD registry:
1. Domain Name System (DNS) Resolution
2. Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC)
3. Shared Registration System (SRS) by means of the Extensible Provisioning
Protocol (EPP)
4. Registration Data Publication Service by means of the Whois protocol
5. Registry Data Escrow
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), as Japanʹs largest telecommunications carrier, is promoting wide use of the worldʹs highest level broadband network, and actively involved in creating a wide range of broadband and ubiquitous services with a unified effort of the NTT Group, in accordance with our Medium-Term Management Strategy ʺRoad to Service Creation Business Group.ʺ
Our proposed concept, ʺ.ntt INITIATIVES,ʺ serves the purpose of acquiring and protecting the iconic Japanese brand of NTT, by applying for ʺ.nttʺ and being accredited by ICANN as the sponsor Registry, and meanwhile providing a safer and more secure domain name environment in order to extend and elevate the brand value of NTT in the borderless global market.
As per our corporate branding, in addition to our worldʹs highest level broadband network infrastructure, we are promoting and enhancing the fiber-optic video services and the cloud computing services, driving enthusiastically to create new services, and well-positioning to serve the total ICT solutions globally. These ongoing progresses will allow us to deploy a new service/business model in the global market, bringing about a greater synergy among the NTT Group companies as a whole, and through that process we hope that .ntt will contribute in gaining recognition and building a new corporate image for NTT.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) was incorporated in April 1985 after the privatization of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (established in 1952), and it has been Japanʹs largest and most recognized public telecommunications carrier. NTT Group, on a consolidated basis, currently has approximately 220,000 employees, 756 NTT Subsidiaries and 102 affiliated companies, and they have five core business segments:1) Regional Communications Business; 2) Domestic Long-Distance and International Communications Businesses; 3) Mobile Communications Businesses; 4) Data Communications Businesses; and 5) Other Businesses.
Please see our Web site for more information about the NTT Group:http://www.ntt.co.jp/about_e/group.html
In November 2004, NTT Group announced its ʺMedium-Term Management Strategy,ʺ which focused on goals in response to the quick shift in the broadband/IP networks and the ongoing convergence of fixed and mobile communications, as well as significant changes in telecommunications and broadcasting in terms of their business collaboration and technology fusion. NTT Group has established a broadband access infrastructure that includes the Next-Generation Network (NGN) with high reliability and security, offering ubiquitous broadband services to meet diverse customer needs.
In line with the Medium-Term Management Strategy, we steadily promoted business activities, such as commencing commercial-use NGN services. Through this effort, we clearly saw the opportunities in streamlining our infrastructure for future services. Foreseeing the Groupʹs future business activities and structure, in May 2008 we announced a new Medium-Term Management Strategy, the ʺRoad to a Service Creation Business Group,ʺ with the aim of developing and offering new services compatible with full IP networks that cover both fixed-line and mobile communications.
As a Service Creation Group, the NTT Group intends to engage in its business activities toward the full-scale development of ubiquitous broadband services in fiscal 2012.
Please see our Web site for more information about the NTT Medium-Term Management Strategy:http://www.ntt.co.jp/ir/mgt_e/managementstrategy.html
NTT Group is proactively expanding its business abroad, in order to make its global business as one of the main pillars of revenue. NTT have acquired Dimension Data Holdings, plc. and Keane International, Inc. As a result, we added Australia, South America, the Middle East and Africa to our existing operations in Asia, Europe and the United States, which enhanced our capabilities and enabled us to establish a framework to provide one-stop total ICT services on a global basis.
We are also working on reinforcing our business infrastructures for the services, such as enhancing data centers and networks, overseas, and opening additional business offices in support of local sales capabilities for Japanese (or Japanese-affiliated) companies.
Please see our Web site for more information about eth NTT Global Business:http://www.ntt.co.jp/about_e/global2.html
Meanwhile, under the NTT R&D vision of creating technologies that lead the world and contributing to the development of society, industry and academic pursuits, approximately 2,500 researchers engage in a wide range of diverse research activities from basic research to R&D, which support business development of operating companies. The NTT Groupʹs R&D activities include cutting-edge fundamental research that creates new technologies such as the worldʹs highest level fiber-optic technologies; NGN and other network technologies, which the NTT Group led the world in commercializing them; and the network-oriented applications. We engage in diverse R&D activities and commercialization to rapidly link the R&D results to business development. With R&D as a key driver of the NTT Groupʹs growth capabilities, the NTT Group creates competitive technologies and collaborates with various corporations, universities and research institutions, thereby ensuring ongoing innovation.
Please see our Web site for more information about the NTT R&D:http://www.ntt.co.jp/RD/OFIS/index_en.html
As the NTT Group enhances its business specialties and various activities described above, we have conceived an idea for a proposal that will contribute to the innovative use of domain name as well as to the TLD market for the future, and decided to apply ICANN for the new gTLD.×