.nationwide Domain Information
Applicant Full Legal Name
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Legal Establishment
Ohio Corporation for Non-Profit
Applicant Address
1 Nationwide Plaza
Columbus OH 43215-2220
State Jurisdiction
The entity is defined under Title 17 of the Ohio Revised Code. A copy of Title 17 of the Ohio Revised Code can be found at: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/17.
Applicant Website
Applied for gTLD
Domain Registration Status
Mission/Purpose of Domain Extension
Nationwide is a long-standing Fortune 500 company and a leading provider of domestic U.S. property and casualty insurance, life insurance and retirement savings, asset management, and strategic investments. Nationwide employs a mutual ownership structure which allows Nationwide to more effectively... Read more
Nationwide's overall mission is to protect what is most important to the millions of policy-holders, contract holders, participants and beneficiaries. Indeed, Nationwide takes customer service seriously. As one of the largest insurance and financial services companies in the world, Nationwide knows that putting its customers first has allowed Nationwide to become the industry leader that it is today. Accordingly, Nationwide strives to create the best outcomes for its clients and customers with insurance and financial solutions that are secure, creative, and responsible.
In line with Nationwide's general purpose and mission as described above, the purpose of the proposed gTLD ("the TLD") is to further assist Nationwide in accomplishing its mission of providing the most secure online insurance and financial services to customers, clients, affiliates, and subsidiaries. In keeping with its mission to offer insurance and financial services in a safe, responsible, and consumer-driven manner, upon delegation of the TLD, Nationwide will initially conduct consumer and technical research to assess effective and safe ways for Nationwide to market its insurance and financial services to its consumers and to safely offer insurance and financial services by leveraging the new TLD. During this initial research period, Nationwide will not use the TLD to provide any information or services to the public, but reserves the right to use the TLD for internal purposes, including consumer and security-based testing of the TLD for later public use. If testing does not indicate that Nationwide can fulfill its mission with the TLD or it is clear that its customers will not robustly use the TLD, Nationwide reserves the right to continue to use the TLD for internal purposes only.
If testing shows that there is consumer demand for use of the TLD and that Nationwide's services can be provided in a secure and useful manner, then Nationwide will consider using the TLD to promote Nationwide's products and services, and to allow its customers to access policy information and transact insurance and financial business on websites under the TLD. If the use of the TLD expands in this way, Nationwide will consider and test the possibility of extending the use of domain names within the TLD to Nationwide's Affiliates (as defined in Applicant's registration policy below) to sell and distribute Nationwide's goods and services, but will oversee and control such use at all times to ensure that all uses of the TLD stay consistent with Nationwide's purpose and mission. At no time will Nationwide offer, sell, or lease domains in the TLD to other companies or third-party users not affiliated with Nationwide.×