About .yt

Country flagLogo for .yt Domain

.YT is the domain extension for Mayotte.

DNSSEC is available for .yt domain

Frequently asked questions about .yt.

How do I buy a .yt domain?
To purchase your domain name, you must first search for the availability of the unique phrase (without spaces or with hyphens). If the domain name is available, you may then add it to the cart to register for up to 10 year(s). If the .yt country code domain is not available, then either modify your phrase, or inquire about purchasing the name outright through 101domain's Domain Concierge Service.
Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for .yt?

Companies having their registered office or principal place of business in the territory of a Member State of the European Union (EU) or in the territory of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. One of the following is required: Siren/Siret number, DUNS number, company registration number, business certificate number or other valid local identifier specific to a country of the EU or territories listed. The Registrant and the administrative contact must be reachable and must provide a valid telephone number, address and e-mail address. Supporting documentation may be required. The registrant address in United Kingdom does not satisfy the registry requirements.

EU or international trademark specifically stating France is also accepted, but local EU address is still required (select Trustee Service at checkout if needed).

Personal registrations possible, please provide Birthdate, Birthplace, Birthcity and postcode in one of the above countries. Documentation may be required.

Other information I need to know about .yt?

AFNIC may delete, on its own decision, some domain names that do not follow the naming charter after identification operations and/or eligibility checks. Reserved domain names of the registry for special use or special individuals or organizations can be found here: http://www.afnic.fr/obtenir/chartes/fondamentaux.

Are there any additional fees for .yt?
Ownership change costs the same as new registration, and resets the expiration date.

Technical information for .yt.

  • TLD .yt
  • Type ccTLD
  • Registration 17.99 USD
  • Renewal 28.99 USD
  • Transfer 17.99 USD / Transfer in your .yt
  • Time to Register Instant
  • Registration Period 1 - 10 years
  • Private Registration Not Available
  • DNSSEC Supported / Learn how to add DNSSEC
  • Trustee/Proxy Service Yes
  • Languages Supported Bulgarian,  Czech,  Danish,  Dutch,  Estonian,  Finnish,  French,  German,  Greek,  Hungarian,  Irish,  Italian,  Latvian,  Lithuanian,  Maltese,  Polish,  Portuguese,  Romanian,  Slovak,  Slovenian,  Spanish,  Swedish, 
    .yt domain name supports multiple language formats. You can register your domain name by entering your domain search using the appropriate language character set in the search field.
  • Individuals can register Yes
  • Businesses can register Yes
  • Registry Afnic
  • Information updated 2024-03-01

See all .yt domain help and technical information.

Why manage your .yt domain with 101domain?

101domain is an international domain registration service with the largest selection of global domain names across a variety of regions. A .yt domain is just one of the many TLDs we can find, register, and manage for you and your business.