What is a.com.au domain?

Country flagLogo for .com.au Domain

A .com.au domain is a country code second-level domain (ccSLD) for commercial entities operating in Australia. It's predominantly used by businesses that are registered and trading in Australia, serving as a clear indication of their presence in the Australian market.

he .com.au domain is managed by auDA (the Australian Domain Administration), which is responsible for the framework and policy for Australian domain registrations. auDA ensures that all .com.au domains are registered by entities with a genuine connection to Australia, maintaining the integrity and reliability of the domain.

To register .com.au domains, businesses must provide proof of their business registration in Australia, typically through an Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN). This requirement helps ensure that the .com.au domain space is used by legitimate Australian businesses, contributing to a trustworthy online environment. Once registered, a .com.au domain can significantly enhance a business’s local branding and online presence, improving its visibility and credibility within the Australian market.

How do .com.au domains help me reach customers?

Beyond enhancing local trust and improving SEO, .com.au domains provides additional strategic advantages:

Credibility and Professionalism: A .com.au domain adds a level of professionalism to your online presence. It communicates to customers, partners, and competitors that your business is a serious, established entity within the Australian market. This professional image can be crucial in gaining the confidence of potential business partners or investors who prioritize legitimacy and local engagement in their criteria.

Regulatory Compliance: Using a .com.au domain signifies that your business complies with Australian regulatory requirements, an important factor for consumers concerned about data protection and business authenticity. Compliance reassures customers that your business operations respect local laws, including consumer rights and privacy protections, which can be a decisive factor for many when choosing who to do business with.

Brand Protection: A .com.au domain registration helps protect your brand's identity in Australia by preventing other entities from registering your chosen domain name within the country. This can be critical in maintaining brand integrity and avoiding confusion among your customers. It ensures that when consumers search for your brand, they find your authentic site and not a competitor's or a counterfeit version.

Targeted Marketing and Engagement: With a .com.au domain, you can tailor your marketing efforts to specifically address the Australian audience in terms of language, promotions, and user experience. Localized content that resonates with Australian culture, slang, and seasonal events can significantly increase engagement and customer retention. This domain allows for more effective, targeted advertising and marketing strategies that are more likely to appeal to local tastes and preferences.

These benefits make a .com.au domain not just a digital address but a strategic asset for businesses aiming to establish a solid foundation and grow their presence in the Australian market.

DNSSEC is available for .com.au domain

Frequently asked questions about .com.au.

How do I buy a .com.au domain?
To purchase your domain name, you must first search for the availability of the unique phrase (without spaces or with hyphens). If the domain name is available, you may then add it to the cart to register for up to 5 years. If the .com.au country code domain is not available, then either modify your phrase, or inquire about purchasing the name outright through 101domain's Domain Concierge Service.
Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for .com.au?
Provide your Australian trademark number (in Australian ATMOSS database) registered or in process, OR provide Australian company name, address, phone, and ACN, ABN, or ARBN number. If an Australian trademark is used as the basis for meeting the Australian presence requirements, the domain name the registrants choose must be an exact match to the words which are the subject matter of the Australian trademark.
Other information I need to know about .com.au?
Registration based on trademark application is acceptable, provide trademark application number in this case. If an Australian trademark is used as the basis for meeting the Australian presence requirements, the domain name the registrants choose must be an exact match to the words which are the subject matter of the Australian trademark.
Are there any additional fees for .com.au?
Ownership update fee is $20. Once the update is processed, any renewal years previously paid will be revoked.

Technical information for .com.au.

  • TLD .com.au
  • Type ccTLD
  • Registration 46.49 USD
  • Renewal 55.49 USD
  • Transfer 46.49 USD / Transfer in your .com.au
  • Time to Register 1 Day
  • Registration Period Available for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 year(s)
  • Private Registration Not Available
  • DNSSEC Supported / Learn how to add DNSSEC
  • Trustee/Proxy Service No
  • Individuals can register No
  • Businesses can register Yes
  • Registry AUDA
  • Information updated 2025-02-07

See all .com.au domain help and technical information.

Why manage your .com.au domain with 101domain?

101domain is an international domain registration service with the largest selection of global domain names across a variety of regions. A .com.au domain is just one of the many TLDs we can find, register, and manage for you and your business.